Unifying Concepts

WHO Immunological Classification for Established HIV Infection

The revised clinical staging and immunological classification of HIV are designed to assist in clinical management of HIV, especially where there is limited laboratory capacity.

WHO immunological classification for established HIV infection

HIV-associated immunodeficiency Age-related CD4 values
<11 months
(CD4 percent)
12 to 35 months
(CD4 percent)
36 to 59 months
(CD4 percent)
>5 years (absolute number per mm3 or CD4 percent)
None or not significant >35 >30 >25 >500
Mild 30 to 35 25 to 30 20 to 25 350 to 499
Moderate 25 to 29 20 to 24 15 to 19 200 to 349
Severe <25 <20 <15 <200 or <15 percent

CD4 cells expressed as number of cells per mm3 or percentage of total lymphocytes.




  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Revised surveillance case definition for HIV infection–United States, 2014. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2014 Apr 11;63(RR-03):1-10. [Medline]
  2. WHO case definitions of HIV for surveillance and revised clinical staging and immunological classification of HIV-related disease in adults and children. World Health Organization 2007


Created: Dec 27, 2018.

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