Recurrent syncope or single syncopal episode accompanied by physical injury or motor vehicle crash or occurring in a high-risk setting (for example, pilot, surgeon, commercial vehicle driver) and no evidence of structural cardiovascular disease; or presence of structural cardiovascular disease, but other causes of syncope ruled out by diagnostic testing
Syncope induced by or associated with exercise
- Further evaluation of patients in whom an apparent specific cause of syncope has been established (for example, asystole, high atrioventricular block) but susceptibility to neurocardiogenic syncope may affect treatment plan
Syncope with severe left ventricular outflow obstruction (for example, aortic stenosis)
Syncope in presence of severe mitral stenosis
Syncope in setting of known critical proximal coronary artery disease
Syncope in setting of known critical cerebrovascular disease
Benditt DG, Ferguson DW, Grubb BP, Kapoor WN, Kugler J, Lerman BB, Maloney JD, Raviele A, Ross B, Sutton R, Wolk MJ, Wood DL. Tilt table testing for assessing syncope. American College of Cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1996 Jul;28(1):263-75. [Medline]
Created: Dec 11, 2005