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SARC-F Questionnaire for Sarcopenia

The SARC-F questionnaire is a screening tool that can be rapidly implemented by clinicians to identify probable sarcopenic patients. The questionnaire screens patients for self-reported signs suggestive of sarcopenia, which include deficiencies in strength, walking, rising from a chair, climbing stairs, and experiencing falls. Each of the self-reported parameters receives a minimum and maximum score of 0 and 2, respectively, with the greatest maximum SARC-F score being 10. Continue reading “SARC-F Questionnaire for Sarcopenia”

Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS)

The Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS) is an index used to measure alterations related to frailty. The EFS assesses nine subscales (1) cognition; (2) general health status; (3) functional independence; (4) social support; (5) medication use; (6) nutrition; (7) mood; (8) continence; and (9) functional performance (in 11 items). Continue reading “Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS)”

Symptoms and First Aid for Venomous Snake Bites

Clinical manifestations vary between species of snakes. Some toxins in venom exert local effects such as swelling, blistering, bruising, and necrosis at the bite site. Other toxins can be distributed systemically through lymphatics and blood vessels and act at distant sites. Common systemic effects include bleeding, paralysis, generalised rhabdomyolysis, and acute kidney injury. Venom injection deep into a limb can cause tissue swelling in the tightly constrained space and compromise neurovascular function. This manifests as “acute compartment syndrome.” Continue reading “Symptoms and First Aid for Venomous Snake Bites”

Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS)

The general notion of frailty is widely understood to be a state of increased vulnerability to stressors, following age-related declines in function and reserves across multiple physiological systems. Frailty is clinically characterised by slower and/or incomplete recovery from stressors such as infection, injury, surgery or psychosocial distress. Continue reading “Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS)”

Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living

The Index of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) encompasses six basic human functions: bathing, dressing, toileting, transfer, continence, and feeding. It provides an objective method of classifying heterogeneous groups of people with chronic illnesses, disabilities and impairments, and of describing their health needs and outcomes.
Continue reading “Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living”

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