Unifying Concepts

RIFLE Criteria for Acute Renal Dysfunction

RIFLE, a newly developed international consensus classification for acute kidney injury, defines three grades of severity


GFR Criteria

Urine Output (UO) Criteria


Increased creatinine x1.5 or GFR decrease > 25%

UO < 0.5ml/kg/h x 6 hr

High Sensitivity

High Specificity


Increased creatinine x2 or GFR decrease > 50%

UO < 0.5ml/kg/h x 12 hr


Increase creatinine x3 or GFR decrease > 75%

UO < 0.3ml/kg/h x 24 hr or Anuria x 12 hrs


Persistent ARF = complete loss of kidney function > 4 weeks


End Stage Kidney Disease (> 3 months)

GFR; Glomerular Filtration Rate

ARF; Acute Renal Failure

ESKD; End Stage Kidney Disease



  1. Bellomo R, Kellum JA, Mehta R, Palevsky PM, Ronco C. Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative II: the Vicenza conference. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2002 Dec;8(6):505-8. [Medline]
  2. Bellomo R, Ronco C, Kellum JA, Mehta RL, Palevsky P; Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative workgroup. Acute renal failure – definition, outcome measures, animal models, fluid therapy and information technology needs: the Second International Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group. Crit Care. 2004 Aug;8(4):R204-12. Epub 2004 May 24. [Medline]


Created: Nov 03, 2005

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