Definition of ALTE
By definition, an ALTE refers to a sudden event, often characterized by apnea or other abrupt changes in the child’s behavior. Symptoms of an ALTE include one or more of the following: apnea, change in color or muscle tone, coughing, or gagging.
Diagnoses Made in Children with an Apparent Life-Threatening Event
* Idiopathic (approximately 50 percent)
* Gastrointestinal – GI (most common, up to 50 percent of diagnosed cases)
Gastroesophageal reflux
Gastric volvulus
Swallowing abnormalities
Other GI abnormalities
* Neurologic (approximately 30 percent)
Seizure disorder
Febrile seizure
CNS bleeding
Neurologic conditions affecting respiration (Budd-Chiari syndrome, hindbrain malformation, brainstem malformation)
Vasovagal reflexes
CNS infection
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction
* Respiratory (approximately 20 percent)
Respiratory compromise from infection, respiratory syncytial virus, pertussis, mycoplasma, croup, other pneumonias
Obstructive sleep apnea
Breath-holding spells
Conditions affecting respiratory control (prematurity, central hypoventilation)
Vocal cord abnormalities, adenoid vegetations
Airway obstruction resulting from congenital abnormalities
Foreign-body aspiration
* Cardiac (up to 5 percent)
Long QT syndrome
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Congenital heart disease
* Metabolic abnormalities (less than 5 percent)
Inborn errors of metabolism
Endocrine, electrolyte disorders
Other infections
Urinary tract infection
* Child abuse (less than 5 percent)
Munchausen syndrome by proxy (suffocation, intentional salt poisoning, medication overdose, physical abuse, head injury)
Smothering (unintentional or intentional)
* Other
Food allergy (uncommon)
Medication (prescription, over the counter, herbal remedies)
McGovern MC, Smith MB. Causes of apparent life threatening events in infants: a systematic review. Arch Dis Child. 2004 Nov;89(11):1043-8. [Medline]
Hall KL, Zalman B. Evaluation and management of apparent life-threatening events in children. Am Fam Physician. 2005 Jun 15;71(12):2301-8. [Medline]
Created: Jan 24, 2006