Chronic HBV infection is a necroinflammatory disease of the liver caused by persistent infection with HBV, and can be categorized as hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive or negative. Inactive hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers have HBV infection of the liver without significant, ongoing necroinflammatory disease. HBV infection is resolved when there is no further virologic, biochemical, or histologic evidence of active viral infection or disease.
Diagnostic criteria related to HBV include the following:
- Chronic hepatitis B: HBsAg positive for more than six months, serum HBV DNA greater than 20,000 IU per mL (lower values of 2,000 to 20,000 IU per mL often occur with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B), persistent or intermittent elevation in alanine transaminase (ALT) or aspartate transaminase (AST) levels, and liver biopsy showing chronic hepatitis with moderate or severe necroinflammation.
- Inactive HBsAg carrier state: HBsAg positive for more than six months, HBeAg negative and anti-HBeAg positive, serum HBV DNA less than 2,000 IU per mL, persistently normal ALT and AST levels, liver biopsy confirming absence of significant hepatitis.
- Resolved hepatitis B: known history of acute or chronic hepatitis B or the presence of anti-hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBcAg) with or without anti-HBsAg, HBsAg negative, undetectable serum HBV DNA (very low levels may be detectable with sensitive prostate-specific antigen assays), and normal ALT levels.
- Kuo A, Gish R. Chronic hepatitis B infection. Clin Liver Dis. 2012 May;16(2):347-69. [Medline]
- Liaw YF, Chu CM. Hepatitis B virus infection. Lancet. 2009;373:582–92. [Medline]
- Bonino F, Piratvisuth T, Brunetto MR, Liaw YF. Diagnostic markers of chronic hepatitis B infection and disease. Antivir Ther. 2010;15 Suppl 3:35-44. [Medline]
Created Jul 11, 2013.