Yamaguchi criteria for classification of adult Still’s disease
Presence of 5 or more criteria, of which at least 2 are Major (96% sensitivity; 92% specificity)
Yamaguchi criteria for classification of adult Still’s disease
Presence of 5 or more criteria, of which at least 2 are Major (96% sensitivity; 92% specificity)
Major Criteria
- Temperature of >39°C for >1 wk
- Leukocytosis >10,000/mm3 with >80% PMNs
- Typical rash
- Arthralgias >2 wk
Minor Criteria
- Sore throat
- Lymph node enlargement
- Splenomegaly
- Liver dysfunction (high AST/ALT)
- Negative ANA, RF
Cush criteria for classification of adult Still’s disease
Requires all of the following:
- Fever > 39 degrees
- Arthralgia or arthritis
- Rheumatoid factor < 1:80
- ANA < 1:100
In addition to any two of the following:
- WBC count > 15,000
- Stills rash
- Pleuritis or Pericarditis
- Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, or Lymphadenopathy
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine transaminase; ANA, antinuclear antibody; AST, aspartate transminase; PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte; RF, rheumatoid factor; WBC, white blood cells.
Fautrel classification criteria for adult-onset Still’s disease
Four or more major criteria are required, or 3 major and 2 minor criteria
Major criteria
- Spiking fever ≥39 °C
- Arthralgia
- Transient erythema
- Pharyngitis
- Polymorphonuclear cells ≥80%
- Glycosylated ferritin ≤20%
Minor criteria
- Maculopapular rash
- Leukocytosis ≥10,000/mm3
- Yamaguchi M, Ohta A, Tsunematsu T, Kasukawa R, Mizushima Y, Kashiwagi H, Kashiwazaki S, Tanimoto K, Matsumoto Y, Ota T, et al. Preliminary criteria for classification of adult Still’s disease. J Rheumatol. 1992 Mar;19(3):424-30. [Medline]
- Cush JJ, Medsger TA Jr, Christy WC, Herbert DC, Cooperstein LA. Adult-onset Still’s disease. Clinical course and outcome. Arthritis Rheum. 1987 Feb;30(2):186-94. [Medline]
- Lebrun D, Mestrallet S, Dehoux M, Golmard JL, Granger B, Georgin-Lavialle S, Arnaud L, Grateau G, Pouchot J, Fautrel B. Validation of the Fautrel classification criteria for adult-onset Still’s disease. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2018 Feb;47(4):578-585. [Medline]
Created: Nov 23, 2007
Update: Sep 17, 2021.