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Currently Viewing Posts Tagged Celiac

Modified Marsh Classification of Histologic Findings in Celiac Disease (Oberhuber)

Celiac disease is a systemic immune-mediated disorder triggered by dietary gluten in genetically susceptible persons. Gluten is a protein complex found in wheat, rye, and barley. Celiac disease is characterized by a broad range of clinical presentations, a specific serum autoantibody response, and variable damage to the small intestinal mucosa.
Continue reading “Modified Marsh Classification of Histologic Findings in Celiac Disease (Oberhuber)”

ESPGHAN Revised Criteria for the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease (CD)

Celiac disease (CD) is a syndrome characterized by damage of the small intestinal mucosa caused by the gliadin fraction of wheat gluten and similar alcohol-soluble proteins (prolamines) of barley and rye in genetically susceptible subjects. Continue reading “ESPGHAN Revised Criteria for the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease (CD)”

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