Definite PND
- Classic syndrome with cancer diagnosed within 5 years of neurological symptom development
- Nonclassic syndrome that resolves or significantly improves after cancer treatment
- Nonclassic syndrome with cancer diagnosed within 5 years of neurological symptom development and positive antineuronal antibodies
- Neurological syndrome (classic or not) without cancer and with well-characterized antineuronal antibodies
Possible PND
- Classic syndrome with high risk of cancer, without antineuronal antibodies
- Neurological syndrome (classic or not) without cancer and with partially characterized antineuronal antibodies
- Nonclassic syndrome with cancer diagnosed within 2 years of neurological symptom development, without antineuronal antibodies
PND, paraneoplastic neurological disorder; CNS, central nervous system
Bataller L, Dalmau JO. Paraneoplastic disorders of the central nervous system: update on diagnostic criteria and treatment. Semin Neurol. 2004 Dec;24(4):461-71. [Medline]
Created: May 15, 2005