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ROME II Diagnostic Criteria for Functional Disorders of the Anus and Rectum

The diagnosis of a Functional Disorder of the Anus and Rectum always presumes the absence of a structural or biochemical explanation for the symptoms.

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ROME II Diagnostic Criteria for Functional Disorders of the Anus and Rectum

The diagnosis of a Functional Disorder of the Anus and Rectum always presumes the absence of a structural or biochemical explanation for the symptoms.

F1. Functional Fecal Incontinence

Recurrent uncontrolled passage of fecal material for at least one month, in an individual with a developmental age of at least 4 years, associated with:

  1. Fecal impaction; or
  2. Diarrhea; or
  3. Nonstructural anal sphincter dysfunction.

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