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Currently Viewing Posts Tagged Venous

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) and Location of Probable Lesion

Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is an important cause of stroke in young adults (mean age 33 years with a two-thirds female preponderance) caused by complete or partial occlusion of the cerebral major cerebral venous sinuses (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis) or the smaller feeding cortical veins (cortical vein thrombosis). Continue reading “Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) and Location of Probable Lesion”

Modified Khorana Risk Score for Prediction of Venous Thromboembolic Events (VTE) in Patients with Cancer

Risk assessment tools can incorporate multiple variables to identify patients or subpopulations at risk for events. A recently developed risk score can identify cancer patients at high risk for VTE using a combination of easily available clinical and laboratory variables.
Continue reading “Modified Khorana Risk Score for Prediction of Venous Thromboembolic Events (VTE) in Patients with Cancer”

Wells Clinical Prediction Rule for Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Venous Thrombosis

The Wells Clinical Prediction Rule is a diagnostic tool used during review of systems to identify possible pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Continue reading “Wells Clinical Prediction Rule for Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Venous Thrombosis”

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