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Saint Elian Wound Score System for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Foot ulcerations are among the most complex and heterogeneous complications in patients with diabetes. Skin ulcers need to be managed in different ways dependent on their etiology and pathogenesis.

The 10 Saint Elian Wound Score System (SEWSS) categories is helpful in guiding treatment decisions based on severity subcategories.

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Classification of Ulcer-Related Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding

The Forrest classification is a widely used classification of ulcer-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding. It was initially developed to unify the description of ulcer bleeding for better communication amongst endoscopists. However, the Forrest Classification is now used as a tool to identify patients who are at an increased risk for bleeding, rebleeding and mortality. Continue reading “Classification of Ulcer-Related Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding”

Wagner and the University of Texas Wound Classification Systems of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

The well-established widely used Wagner wound classification system and the new University of Texas (UT) diabetic wound classification system both provide descriptions of ulcers to varying degrees. Both wound classification systems are easy to use among health care providers, and both can provide a guide to planning treatment strategies. Continue reading “Wagner and the University of Texas Wound Classification Systems of Diabetic Foot Ulcers”

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