Three of four criteria must be met; establishes accurate diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis in 90 percent of affected women.
Continue reading “Amsel’s Diagnostic Criteria for Bacterial Vaginosis”
Three of four criteria must be met; establishes accurate diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis in 90 percent of affected women.
Continue reading “Amsel’s Diagnostic Criteria for Bacterial Vaginosis”
Preeclampsia: For the diagnosis of preeclampsia, both hypertension and proteinuria must be present.
Minimal criteria*
A- Hyperandrogenism
o Steroidogenic enzyme deficiencies
§ Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
§ Aromatase deficiency
o Androgen-secreting tumors
§ Ovarian
§ Adrenal
o Exogenous androgens
§ Anabolic steroids
§ Transsexual hormone replacement
o Other
§ Acne
§ Idiopathic hirsutism
Continue reading “Syndromes or Disease Entities That Have Been Associated with Polycystic Ovaries”
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder of reproductive-aged women. This syndrome is predominantly characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, hyperandrogenism, and characteristic findings on pelvic ultrasound. Women with PCOS also frequently suffer from metabolic dysfunction, obesity, infertility and are at an increased risk of pregnancy complications and long-term cardiovascular disease. Continue reading “Diagnostic Criteria in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)”
The diagnosis of HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count) is based upon the presence of the characteristic laboratory findings in patients of appropriate gestational age. Imaging tests, particularly CT or MRI scanning, are useful when complications such as hepatic infarction, hematoma, or rupture are suspected.
Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus
The BIRADS acronym stands for Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System which is a widely accepted risk assessment and quality assurance tool in mammography, ultrasound or MRI.
Continue reading “ACR/BI-RADS Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System”
Specimen Type: Indicate conventional smear (Pap smear) vs. liquid based vs. other
Specimen Adequacy
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